Exploring Locking, Modification, and Commitment in SQL Server’s Realm

Exploring Locking, Modification, and Commitment in SQL Server’s Realm


In the realm of SQL Server, managing data involves various intricate processes that impact the integrity and consistency of stored information. Critical aspects like locking, data modification, and committing changes play a pivotal role in ensuring the reliability and stability of a database system in large data workloads.

Understanding Locking

In SQL Server, locking plays a fundamental role in managing concurrent access to data. Locks control resource contention, ensuring the isolation and integrity of data modifications performed by different transactions. There are different types of locks, such as shared locks, exclusive locks, and update locks. For instance, when a SELECT statement reads data, it acquires shared locks, while UPDATE or DELETE statements acquire exclusive locks to prevent other transactions from modifying data concurrently.

Data Modification

When modifying data in SQL Server, it’s essential to consider the effects on the integrity of the database. Operations include INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. For example, an UPDATE statement alters existing records, while DELETE eliminates records from the database. Inserting new records impacts the primary key constraints and relationships within the database.

Committing Data

Committing changes in SQL Server is an essential step in finalising modifications to the database. The COMMIT statement ensures that all changes made by a transaction are successfully applied and persisted in the database. If changes are not committed, they remain in a pending state and are not visible to other transactions. Conversely, the ROLLBACK statement reverses modifications made by a transaction if there’s an error or an intentional rollback.

Practical Examples

Example 1 – Locking Scenarios:

Consider a scenario where two users concurrently access the same table. User A performs an UPDATE operation on a set of records while User B simultaneously attempts to modify the identical records. This scenario might lead to contention due to conflicting locks, impacting data consistency.

Example 2 – Data Modification and Committing:

Assume a banking system where a transaction involves transferring funds between two accounts. The operation requires updating the balance in both accounts while ensuring the atomicity of the transaction. Committing the changes ensures that the funds are transferred accurately and durably stored in the database.

To prevent table locks in SQL scripts or statements, consider the following strategies:

  • To improve concurrency and minimise locks on tables, consider using snapshot isolation levels like READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT or ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION. These levels store a version of the data when changes are made, which allows for concurrent read access. Using snapshot isolation, you can reduce the chances of blocking other users from accessing the same data.
  • Implementing table partitioning divides large tables into smaller, more manageable units based on criteria such as date ranges. This strategy helps distribute data across multiple partitions, reducing contention and the likelihood of table-level locks.
  • Column store indexes can significantly enhance the performance of queries for large workloads, particularly regarding analytical queries on extensive tables. They are highly efficient when dealing with large-scale data warehouse scenarios where analytical queries aggregate vast amounts of data. By organising data by column rather than row, these indexes reduce I/O and memory requirements, resulting in faster query execution and reducing the impact of locking.
  • Another effective strategy is utilising the column store index’s compression and storage capabilities. Compared to traditional indexes, column store indexes have better compression, allowing more data to be stored in memory and reducing the need for frequent I/O operations. This can significantly improve query performance without causing locks due to reduced disk access. Bear in mind that the decision to implement column store indexes in a data workload is context-dependent and varies based on factors such as the size of the dataset, the nature of queries executed, and the performance requirements. 


Understanding the intricacies of locking, data modification, and committing data in SQL Server is crucial for maintaining data integrity, concurrency, and overall database performance. Practising these concepts with a comprehensive grasp of their implications ensures efficient and reliable database management.

This article aims to provide a broad understanding of the core concepts surrounding locking, data modification, and committing data in SQL Server, along with practical examples to illustrate their significance in database management.

File Monitor

File Monitor

The file monitor batch script is purposefully designed to wait for files in a folder before subsequent downstream processes are started. This is useful in integration applications where there are dependencies on such files or resources to be present before those processes ca n be initialised.

Rem Desc   : This script when activated waits for files in a folder to be present. When  the specified is available it then proceeds to start a SQL Agent job to kick subsequent processes.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: Set variables
set "folderPath=\\bhxappfs01\InhouseApps\UAT\Blue Yonder\Outbound"  REM Path to the folder to monitor
set "ssisJobName=Dashboard_CostPriceDeltaOutput"  REM Name of the SQL Server Agent job

:: File patterns to look for
set "patterns=PMM_DB_IB01_ PMM_DB_IB02_ PMM_DB_ADJ_ PMM_DB_BR02_"

:: Initialize an array to keep track of found files
set "foundFiles="

:: Loop through the file patterns and find the most recent files
for %%P in (%patterns%) do (
    set "mostRecentFile="
    for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /o-d "%folderPath%\%%P" 2^>nul') do (
        if not defined mostRecentFile (
            set "mostRecentFile=%%F"
            set "foundFiles=!foundFiles! %%F"

:: Check if all four files are found and output their filenames and extensions
for %%P in (%patterns%) do (
    echo Looking for %%P...
    if not "!foundFiles: %%P=!"=="" (
        set "filename="
        for %%F in (!foundFiles: %%P=!) do (
            set "filename=%%~nF"
            set "extension=%%~xF"
            echo %%P found: !filename!!extension!
    ) else (
        echo %%P not found. Waiting for all files...
        goto continueWaiting

:: All four files are found; trigger the SSIS job
echo All required files found. Triggering the SSIS job...
sqlcmd -S YOUR_SERVERNAME -Q "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = '%ssisJobName%'"

:: Pause for a specified time (e.g., 5 minutes)
timeout /t 300 >nul
goto loop




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Evaluating Retail Performance

Evaluating Retail Performance

The concept of "same-store sales" (SSS) in the retail industry refers to a metric used to evaluate the performance of existing stores within a retail chain in the most recent accounting period relative to the revenue generated in a similar period in the past. Usually,...

File Monitor

File Monitor

The file monitor batch script is purposefully designed to wait for files in a folder before subsequent downstream processes are started. This is useful in integration applications where there are dependencies on such files or resources to be present before those...


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Evaluating Retail Performance

Evaluating Retail Performance

The concept of “same-store sales” (SSS) in the retail industry refers to a metric used to evaluate the performance of existing stores within a retail chain in the most recent accounting period relative to the revenue generated in a similar period in the past. Usually, it is presented as a comparative percent (comp percent), a measure that calculates the percentage change in sales between the current year for a set of comparative stores. “Same-store sales” (SSS) is a used term synonymous with comparable store sales metric,  “identical-store-sales” (ISS), or “like-for-like sales” (LFL). In other words, it is a productivity measure in revenue used to evaluate a retail store’s sales performance.

When assessing a store’s sales growth or decline, retailers often compare it to other established stores within the chain with a similar product mix and footprint to the store being analysed or its performance over a specified period. However, this time frame may differ depending on the retailer’s business type. Retailers can use historical data to track the change in sales from year to year for stores that have been operating for a specific period.

How is the performance assessed?

Several factors are considered when evaluating retail stores’ “same-store sales” metric. It is essential to consider these factors as they provide context and insight into the elements that influence sales performance. Key factors often include store age, remodels, closures, pricing pressure and strategy, product assortment, and promotional activities.

Calculating the “same-store sales” (SSS) metric typically involves comparing the sales of a group of stores or individual stores for a given period with the sales of those same stores during the corresponding period in the previous year (period). By excluding the impact of new store openings and store closures, SSS provide a more accurate assessment of the underlying sales performance of a retailer’s existing store base. Additionally, the business is responsible for determining the rules that govern the determination of the comparable status of a store.

Some example rules or logic :

  • A business may assign a Non-Comp status for the first 60 weeks of a store’s opening and gains the status of a Comp Store from week 61.
  • A store can be assigned Non-Comp status when closed permanently because there would be no sales FOR comparison.
  • If a store is temporarily closed more than three days a week, it’s Non-Comp.
  • If a store has more than three days of sales in a week, it could be classified as having a Comp Status of Yes; otherwise, it’s Non-Comp. 
  • Online stores are always considered to have a Comp Status of Yes.
StoreYearMonthSalesComp StatusStore Open DateTemp Closure DateTemporary Closure End
Sample visualisation of same-store periods

To calculate the comp percent, you typically compare the sales data of the same stores for two consecutive years. Here’s the formula for calculating the comp percent

Comp Percent = ((Current Year Sales – Previous Year Sales) / Previous Year Sales) * 100

Strategic Impact of “Same-Store-Sales” Assessment

The metric is beneficial for retailers with many stores, as it helps :

  • Retailers estimate the success of their operational processes and make informed decisions about future investments, expansion plans, and improvements. 
  • Isolate the effects of changes in customer behaviour, economic conditions, pricing strategies, marketing initiatives, and product assortment on sales performance.
  • Retailers proactively analyse their data to stay ahead of competitors.
  • The comp percent metric is useful for evaluating the growth or decline of sales performance for a specific group of stores. It helps identify trends and patterns.
  • Businesses to navigate disruptions by building on the foundations of their existing digital strategies already well underway when accurate data is in place.

The SSS metric provides insights into how to run promotions to increase margins and sales. Aside from the benefits mentioned earlier, it provides a standardised way to assess the organic growth or contraction of a retailer’s core store operations, making benchmarking performance across different locations, store formats, or regions easier. Furthermore, it facilitates strategic partnerships with other businesses, such as concession partner groups, to attract more visitors.

What factors affect the quality of same-store analysis?

The quality and effectiveness of same-store metric is affected by several factors. Some key factors to consider are having; The availability of accurate and reliable data is crucial for conducting a comprehensive sales analysis. This effort must be supported by a robust centralised reporting data repository (data warehouse) facilitating timely access to detailed transactional data and other relevant metrics. In addition, data normalisation in the context of accounting for external factors influencing sales performance helps ensure a fair comparison. For example, adjusting for economic conditions, local market dynamics can provide a more accurate assessment. When comparing sales metrics, it is important to consider significant factors such as store age, remodelling status, pricing strategies, product offerings, and promotional campaigns to ensure an accurate comparison. Having said that, I think it is prudent for the same-store metric to be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect changing market conditions, business strategies and store dynamics, perhaps on a yearly, monthly, weekly, or daily basis or granularity. We ensure that our analysis remains current and aligned with our current objectives through this approach.

Same-store sales metric with Claire’s

Among other traditional retailers, Claire’s Accessories is a retailer of accessories, jewellery, and toys primarily aimed towards young people. Claire’s Accessories has encountered various challenges in recent years, primarily due to the challenging economic environment and changing consumer preferences, among other factors. These obstacles have had a significant impact on the brand. The company’s operations were further impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although faced with challenges, the brand has taken steps to adapt to the evolving retail environment. This includes expanding its online presence, concession partnership programs and implementing new initiatives to improve customer experience, leveraging social media platforms and influencer collaborations to engage with its target audience.  In addition, Claire’s commitment promotes reusable and eco-friendly products, which aligns with the increasing demand for environmentally friendly brands among consumers. The brand is working towards regaining its market position by investing in modernised digital infrastructure, improving supply chain efficiency, and exploring new market opportunities. These efforts are part of the brand’s ongoing transformation. The newly implemented Great Lake data repository supported by Data Vault architecture has revolutionised the brand’s data management and governance approach, empowering the multivariate teams to embrace a data-driven culture and self-service reporting. This has resulted in opening more interesting capabilities for data democratisation, improving the business’ ability to report on same-store metrics using the PowerBI self-service reporting tool. The current investment opportunities and business growth demand have resulted in the implementation of a Product Portfolio Management System necessary to ensure timely and appropriate product availability for the customer.

 In conclusion, same-store sales (SSS) is an invaluable metric in the retail industry, enabling retailers to assess the performance of their established stores, identify sales-influencing factors, and make well-informed decisions for future expansion. In today’s dynamic retail landscape, with the rise of e-commerce and shifting consumer preferences, SSS metrics have become increasingly vital for retailers to adapt, stay relevant, and maintain competitiveness.

 Amidst these challenges, Claire’s Accessories stands unwavering in its commitment to delivering trendy and affordable fashion accessories to its loyal customer base. Above all, Claire’s Accessories is recognised as a growth-oriented and innovative company, prioritising brand scaling, efficiency, and forward-thinking strategies.